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Former College Professor Sentenced for Mail Fraud

Former College Professor Sentenced for Mail Fraud:

Ademola L. Ejire, a former professor at Shaw University, was sentenced on Wednesday to 33 months in prison for federal mail fraud according to the United States Attorney’s Office. Ejire, who was also in charge of a grant funded program aimed at boosting minority students’ interest in math and science programs, must also serve two years of supervised release after he leaves prison.

Ejire, 53, pleaded guilty to mail fraud in August after investigators say he pocketed nearly $470,000 in bogus grant funds by mailing fraudulent time sheets that listed his wife as the program coordinator and his children as grant recipients.

“Ademola Ejire was trusted to dispense government funds for a North Carolina university, but he chose to betray that trust,” said John Strong Special Agent in Charge of the FBI in North Carolina. “These types of fraudulent schemes cost everyone and that’s why the FBI encourages anyone who may suspect public corruption is occurring to report their suspicions to us immediately,” Strong added.

This case was investigated by the United States Environmental Protection Office of Inspector General, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the United States Postal Inspection Service. Assistant United States Attorney Banumathi Rangarajan handled the prosecution on behalf of the Eastern District of North Carolina.

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